The veil


Feature film - Fiction

In production - Major

2018 - FR, ES (Argentine)

Director : Stéfano Pasetto

Screenplay : Stéfano Pasetto

Producer : Eklektik Productions (BE), Aramos Cine (ARG)

Partners : Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Cofinancé par l'EU - Créative Europe Media (MEDIA FUND°


Silvana Peretto, a young 32 year-old nun, returns to Buenos Aires to see her family after having lived in Belgium for 12 years. The trip to Argentina and the upheavals that it causes make her doubt all she knew with absolute certainty concerning the church, her family and her own identity. Everything converges towards a hidden secret dating back to the dictatorship of the seventies; a secret that will change Silvana forever.

The veil is a film about hidden truths, forgotten truths and the price of truth. The film explores the effects of events that we do not know have occurred, but that are written deep into our soul and make us who we are.


Producer Workshop Eave Puentes / 2013
Forum de Coproduction du Festival de San Sebastian / Espagne / 2018