Bakolo Music International
Feature film - Documentary
Finished - Major
2020 - Linguala, Anglais, Français
Broadcasting date : RTBF : 29/06/2020
Director : Benjamin Viré & Tom Vantorre
Screenplay : Benjamin Viré & Tom Vantorre
Producer : Eklektik Productions (BE), Diplodokus (BE)
Partners : Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
"Bakolo Music International" celebrate the group's 70th anniversary. This year they are setting off on a new international tour. Whatever happens in this journey, the musicians will continue to play rumba until their last movement : a guitar chord, a phrasing in a saxophone or a dance step.
Technical information
Cinematographer : Tom Vantorre
Sound : Bas de Caluwé, Karel Verstreken , Yves Bosschaerts, Jean-François Levillain
Editing : Thomas Vandecasteele
Prix du jury étudiant - Festival FAME Paris 2022
Brussels Arte Film Festival 2021
African Film Festival Atlanta 2021
Festival Africa Fête Marseille 2022
Festival FAME Paris 2022
Festival Image et Paroles D'Afrique