First wave


Short film - Documentary

Finished - Major

2020 - 10 X 10 minutes - Web Série - FR

Release date : 04.12.2020

Director : Le collectif des 12 : Stéphane Bergmans, Pauline Beugnies, Stéphanie Brumat, Benjamin Colaux, Jean-Baptiste Dumont, Coline Grando, Charlotte Grégoire, Olivier Magis, Anne Schiltz, Juan Sepulchre, Sébastien Wielemans et Christopher Yates.

Producer : Eklektik Productions & Playtime Films

Partners : RTBF


March 2020. Belgium is in lockdown due to the COVID-19 epidemic. During the first wave, collective of filmmakers meet with caregivers to produce their daily stories by video conferences. Little by little, intimacy and trust are established between each other and are raised to singular confidences. 

Technical information

Unit manager : Samuel Tilman & Isabel de la Serna